02 May, 2008

After All These Months

Shine On ::

Election 2008 ::

Project ::

Machines & Nature ::

Towers ::

Walk by ::

Directions ::

Inspired ::

Coming ::

Past ::

Future ::

I have forgot
Every of my sights
All this moment
Captured inside my camera

Things that I saved
Wouldn't lost anywhere

Shoot for todays
Memorized for tomorrows

After all these months
It's time to share

It's all about Lomo...


Anonymous said...

Nice shots!!!
Dude, I'm really into lomographic, but I know really little about it! Can you help me out here? Geez, I want to have a lomo!!!


jeepeng said...

nice lah reinert-kor-kor!


Reinert Lee said...

Hello moja,

Thanks for dropping by my blog.

You can visit http://www.lomographyasia.com and sign up as a member. Besides that, you can join the fun on http://www.lomographyasia.com/forum once you’ve signed up as a Lomographer. Many Malaysian & Asian Lomographers are there to help, discuss, share, post and more…

Don’t forget to add me as your friend too. www.lomographyasia.com/reinert

Reinert Lee said...

Hey Jeep,
kor-kor your cau-cau lah!

~and we all die young - by Steel Dragon

Anonymous said...

Hey, tahnks for the info! I'm gonna look for a lomo soon.. But have to work lah during dis holiday! Hav to fork out my own money for new toy! :P

bdw, I've linked your blog with mine! Hehehe... post more pics ok?! nice-cool pics! :)

ten1o said...

nice shots.. wait till neck long jor~ hehe.. :P got some more?

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