12 June, 2008

Everyone Is Holding "You"

Yunc is holding "You" ::

Suigor is holding the entire of "You"! ::

Eva is holding "You" ::

Jojooo is holding "You" ::

Edmund are holding "You" ::

Syahrulfikri is holding "You" ::

Jeepeng is holding "You" ::

Jhunnie is holding "You" ::

Yunc is holding "You" again ::

Jojooo is holding "You" again ::

The beach is holding "You" ::

Michi is hanging "You" onto her neck ::

Ten1o is holding "You" ::

Shuqi is holding "You" ::

Jeepeng is hanging "You" onto his neck ::

The Beauty and "You" ::

The team are always with "You" ::

Without "You", there might be no sounds.
Without "You", there might be no funs.
Without "You", there might be no us.
Without "You", it might be no todays.
Without "You", LOMO, we may had killed ourself??


jeepeng said...

without "you" without "me"

Jhunnie said...

Bo gao eh peng yiu !
Tapi sui eh pic

Ah Eva Eva said...

without 'you'...
i wont able to know u guys.

Reinert Lee said...

Without Jeep, Without Reinert
Without Jhunnie, Without Jeep
Without Eva, Without Jhunnie..


Sam Cheng said...

nice pic.

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