28 January, 2008

Recall My 华语

People ::

Mouth ::

Hand ::

Teeth ::

Ear ::

I always felt regret last time why I don't know 华语?
I hated when I don't understand what people wrote.
I screwed up when I f*#@ing try to translate via programs.

But aged doesn't mean I can't study, learn & practice again.
Unless you're lazy & lazier than ever.

I told myself, "whoever teach me, I'm willing to learn."
Until one day, my companion becomes my "Hua Yu" teacher.

First, I need to recall back how to write & read
these simple words from my kindergarten.

I bought a "buku latihan segiempat" to write.
I grabbed my cousin kindergarten books to read.

I'm learning one Chinese word per day now.
Sounds funny huh?

11 January, 2008

Make It Till Monday In Perlis

Harmony ::

Shine On ::

Exploration ::

Movement ::

The Lady ::

Lovely ::

Uncontrolled ::

Attacked ::

Stand Up ::

Dancing ::

Smile ::

Journey ::

Jumpers ::

Leadership ::

Nature ::

Distance ::

Spacious ::

5th Jan 2008 ::
After the 6-7 hours ride from Damansara,
finally we reached Perlis, Kahgiap's hometown successfully.

No matter how tired we were & how hot was the weather,
our satisfactory for this LomoOuting are still with us now.

Kahgiap, Yingtze, Jeepeng, Jhunnie, Yunc,
Syahrulfikri, Edmund, Rice00 & Kfc, Solomo & friends,
thank you so much for making this trip so much fun.

This is the very first LomoOuting for the year 2008.

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