09 February, 2009


(remember to watch in High Quality)

At first when I listened to this song from radio, I thought this band, estrella might be from somewhere in UK.
Until today when I watched them on Homegrowntv @ 8tv, I was shocked & surprised!
I didn't even know estrella are actually a local band!!

The vocalist+guitarist, Liyana have a very sweet voice. And the band's "acoustic+indie+jazz" are nice to listen.

I'm influenced by this song, "Stay"... beautiful song...

Cheers to you guys!

"Support local music"


jeepeng said...

thanks for sharing, i love this song very much, been looking for it quite some time, thanks again!!

dominic said...

yes, i thought it's from elsewhere too..
until i watched their mtv!
big ups for malaysian..!

yayawoo said...

yeah yeah~ i also looking for this song quite some time already!!!
thanks for sharing dude ^^
finally i found this song, STAY!


Hooi said...

Yeah~!!! Malaysia BOLEH~!!!

Reinert Lee said...

Hey ya! I just bought their CD :)

Kelvin said...

indies music is really great!!
love this video!!!
i heard this song before too! really love it!

althena said...

Totally change my view to msia's music! Thanks for sharing~ I'm going to look for their CD!^^

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